Saturday, June 28, 2014

Back in the Game

 Life has been rather crazy. So here's an update on what has been going on in recent weeks...

There hasn't been any new issues since March, this is because I spent most of April managing orders & also preparing for the third issue. I had the second series designed & ready to go - as well as rough drafts of the next issue. But suddenly my computer became irresponsive. It turned out that I actually had hard drive failure so my data was pretty much poof. After failed personal attempts to recover it, I had to turn to a local repair shop to help me recover my data from my laptop (& two externals that became corrupted while trying to recover my laptop - a 500GB & a 2TB). I was left in a rut with no data or anything to work with. The recovery process took awhile & I wasn't able to actually recover one of my drives unless I spent thousands of dollars to ship it out to be restructure in a dust free room. Being a starving artist, I don't really have that option so I made the best of it where I could.
In part, some of the data that I lost were they many websites I have worked hard on over the past couple of months. Not only were my clients data lost, but every single aspect of the Nu-Common Sense website was lost too. Aside from the multi-week repair, I have now faced a new challenge to recreate all the data I lost. Receiving a part of my drive & a somewhat repaired computer, I have been hard at work for the past two weeks making up & tackling a project every day. Nothing like spending summer inside sitting at a computer every day - but it was worth it.

Since then I have managed to raise the standard of my previous work & have an entirely new website available. With this, comes the first two issues completely redesigned & updated. It was a large task but I am very happy with the results. This is the Nu-Common Sense that you can see today on our website. With the digital work being taken care of, another task I tackled, as soon as I had a drive & data to make progress, was to place the order for the second series. The delay set me back a good month so I had a lot of orders waiting. Luckily I manage to take care of it quickly as I already had everything prepared. Fast forward to today & they are currently finishing up production, & am looking to see them arrive in the next week & a half. I'm remaining hopeful & still going with the flow - but nonetheless, I'm excited.

It's been a stressful but busy turn of events, & being a one man team - I had nothing but time to accomplish these tasks. But I am glad that nearly everything is caught up, & I am ready to get back towards working on the upcoming issue.

I have a lot planned, & being the new kid in town, I have been off to a good pace. I'm looking forward to the possibilities & opportunities that will present themselves when the time is ready.

Stay tuned!

Eric Tecce,
Founder & Lead Artist at Nu-Common Sense