Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Closer Look at the NCS Redesign

With a chance to rebuild everything from scratch, I have implemented new solutions to the Nu-Common Sense website...
The first factor being a simpler but more effective main page.

I have taken advantage of some of the photoshoots from Series I, as well as some of my own personal photography, to add a more realistic enviorment. Previous visitors will easily tell the large improvement that went into the new site. Of course it is device friendly, being able to load on all sorts of devices, but I do recommend using a tablet or moniter to view a majority of the content.

One of biggest improvements is a complete redesign of our digital publication. I have created tons of new graphics & animations to improve on the reading experience. I also have plans to add more to the previous issues through continuations based on the given subject. Allowing for it to truly act as a living form of art, while still offering an independent education.

Another new feature is the ability to download & share pages of our web-zine. I converted each page into a flat image that you can read on the go or post anywhere you'd like. Currently I have just screen captured the webpages itself, this overall loses the functionality that makes our web-zine interactive. Once I have some amounted time, I do plan on creating stand alone infographics from the pages itself so that I can properly offer up an enriching experience with each download or share.

I have updated some sources in the resource library as well. I still believe that this is a great feature that I personally offer to help share what other individuals are contributing to independent education. Also included is a resource list (saved and automatically updated as a cloud document). I have compiled over the last few months tons of sources while doing research, & have also segmented them on the type of topics it portrays well.

The store section of our site has also been given some much need interactions. You can now swipe through our exclusive items & be automatically directed to out hosted store ( I still have a couple of ideas that I intend to include over the coming weeks so keep an eye open. Aside from our personal store, we also have collaborated with other independent artist & business & thus offer their work through our Indie Store Network. If you are interested in become involved, the opportunity is available for anyone who has the passion, skill, and desire to make a difference.

Overall, the changes through out the site are all over the place. I have highlighted a few of the more profound differences but I encourage you to explore for yourself. Maybe you will find some of the hidden Easter Eggs stored through out. The worse that will happen is that you may learn something new - don't worry, it won't hurt to aid in your consciousness expansion.

There is plenty more on the way & if you knew some of the ideas I have set to accomplished, you'll be excited too!

Eric Tecce,
Founder & Lead Artist at Nu-Common Sense